Where Am I?

Steps to complete the project

  1. Follow the steps outlined in this Project Lesson, to create your own ROS package, develop a mobile robot model for Gazebo, and integrate the AMCL and Navigation ROS packages for localizing the robot in the provided map.

  2. Using the Parameter Tuning section as the basis, add and tune parameters for your ROS packages to improve your localization results in the map provided. Feel free to explore new parameters using the resources provided earlier in the same section. Please include the image of RViz with the robot at goal position and the PoseArray displayed. Each run may take a long time so don't forget to screenshot your robot at the goal position!

  3. After achieving the desired results for the robot model introduced in the lesson, implement your own robot model with significant changes to the robot's base and possibly sensor locations.

  4. Check your previous parameter settings with your new robot model, and improve upon your localization results as required for this new robot.

  5. Document your work. You could use this Writeup Template.


Once you have completed your project, use the Project Rubric to review the project. If you have covered all of the points in the rubric, then you are ready to submit! If you see room for improvement in any category in which you do not meet specifications, keep working and engage in discussions with your fellow students and your mentor!

Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity reviewer according to the same Project Rubric. Your project must "meet specifications" in each category in order for your submission to pass.


What to include in your submission

You may submit your project as a zip file or with a link to a GitHub repo. The submission must include these items:

  1. Your entire ROS package that you developed based on this Project's lesson. Your project reviewer should be able to take the ROS package as is and run it on their system.

  2. The Project write-up in the PDF format that addresses all the rubric points and is based on the template linked above.

  3. Images of your results for both the robot models, the one provided in the Classroom and the one you created. Each image should consist of the robot at the goal position and with the PoseArray being displayed in RViz. Both images should have your full name watermarked on them. You can include these images as part of your write-up, but for clarity purposes, it is recommended that you include them separately as well.

Ready to submit your project?

Click on the "Submit Project" button and follow the instructions to submit!


Please fill out the Project Feedback Form after you have completed the project.